Research Interests
My research activity has been motivated mainly by real problems and novel experiments when analyzing high-throughput data using statistical and computational methods and collaborating on scientific or industrial research projects.
My past experience spans a wide range of statistical and computational methods, including Wavalets and Denoising, non-parametric regression, functional data analysis, multiple hypothesis testing, and clustering.
I have demonstrated my versatility by applying frequentist and Bayesian approaches to these problems.
More recently, my interest has focused on analyzing high-dimensional data problems arising from genomics, biology, and medicine.
I have worked on various problems in statistical genomics, including methods for analyzing time-course microarray gene expression data, identifying transcription factor binding sites using variable selection approaches,
and analyzing Next Generation Sequencing Data. Current research activity includes applications to Epigenomics and Transcriptomics with great interest in single-cell technologies,
High dimensional data analysis, data integration, and Network analysis using graphical models.
Moreover, I am interested in developing efficient software for analyzing a wide range of omics data and user-friendly tools.
Since January 2012, I have led the Laboratory of Statistics and Computational tools for Bioinformatics (BioinfoLab).