Claudia Angelini List of Papers
Papers on ISI Journals
- 1. M Benamar, P.S. Lai, C.-Y. Huang, Q. Chen, F. B. Oktelik, P. Contini, M. Wang, D. Okin, E. Crestani, J. Fong, T. M. C. Fion, M. N. Gokbak, H. Harb, W. Phipatanakul, L. Marri, C. Vassallo, A. Guastalla, M. Kim, H.-Y. Sui, L. Berra, M. B. Goldberg, C. Angelini, R. De Palma, T. A. Chatila Notch4 Regulatory T Cells and SARS-CoV-2 Viremia Shape COVID19 Survival Outcome. Allergy (in press 2024)
- 2. B. Di Pietro, S. Villata, S. Dal Monego, M. Degasperi, V. Ghini, T. Guarnieri, A. Plaksienko, Y. Liu, V. Pecchioli, L. Manni, L. Tenori, Danilo L., C. Angelini, L. Napione, F. Frascella, C. Nardini, Differential Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Electrostimulation in a Standardized Setting , International Journal of Molecular Science 25,9808, (2024).
- 3. A. Cavazzani, C. Angelini, D. Gregori, L. Cardone. Cancer incidence (2000-2020) among individuals under 35: an emerging sex disparity in oncology , BMC Medicine, 22, 363 (2024).
- 4. C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis, I. De Feis, A. Iuliano. A network-constrain Weibull AFT model for biomarkers discovery Biometrical Journal (in press 2024).
- 5. V. Policastro, M. Magnani, C. Angelini, A. Carissimo. INet for network integration , Computational Statistics (2024).
- 6. L. Marri, P. Contini, F. Ivaldi, C. Schiavi, O. Magnani, C. Vassallo, A. Guastalla, N. Traversone, C. Angelini, G. Del Zotto, A. De Maria, R. De Palma, Evaluation of frequency of CMR replication and disease complications reveal new cellular defects and time-dependent pattern in CVID Patients , Journal of Clinical Immunology, 44, 142, (2024).
- 7. I. Aurigemma, R. Ferrentino, V. Poondi Krishnan, O. Lanzetta, C. Angelini, E. Illingworth, A. Baldini, Significant improvement of Cardiac Outflow tract septation defects in a DiGeorge syndrome model after Minoxidil treatment , Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 720, 150104, (2024).
- 8. M.C. Costa, C. Angelini, M. Franzese, C. Iside, M. Salvatore, L. Laezza, F. Napolitano, M. Ceccarelli. Identification of therapeutic targets in osteoarthritis by combining heterogeneous transcriptional datasets, drug-induced expression profiles, and known drug-target interactions Journal of Translational Medicine, 22, 281, (2024)
- 9. I. Aurigemma, O. Lanzetta, A. Cirino, S. Allegretti, G. Lania, R. Ferrentino, V. Poondi Krishnan, C. Angelini, E. Illingworth, A.Baldini, Endothelial gene regulatory elements associated with cardiopharyngeal lineage differentiation . Communications Biology, in press 2024.
- 10. A. Plaksieko, P. Di Lena, C. Nardini, C. Angelini. methyLImp2: faster missing value estimation for DNA methylation data . Bioinformatics 40(1),btae001, (2024)
- 11. A. Verma, V. Poondi Krishnan, F. Cecere, E. D’Angelo, V. Lullo, M. Strazzullo, S. Selig, C. Angelini, M. R. Matarazzo, A. Riccio. ICF1 Syndrome Associated DNMT3B Mutations Prevent de novo Methylation of Several Imprinted Loci During iPSC Reprogramming , Biomolecules 13(12),1717, (2023)
- 12. F. Cecere, L. Pignata, B. H. Mele, A. Saadat, E. D’Angelo, O. Palumbo, P. Palumbo, M. Carella, G. Scarano, G. B. Rossi, C. Angelini, A. Sparago, F. Cerrato, A. Riccio. Co-occurrence of Beckwith–Wiedemann Syndrome and early-onset colorectal cancer . Cancers, 15(7), (2023)
- 13. V. Poondi Krishnan, B. Morone, S. Toubiana, M. Krzak, S. Fioriniello, F. Della Ragione, M. Strazzullo, C. Angelini, S. Selig, and MR. Matarazzo The aberrant epigenome of DNMT3B-mutated ICF1 patient iPSCs is amenable to correction, with the exception of a subset of regions with H3K4me3- and/or CTCF-based epigenetic memory. Genome Research (2023)
- 14. E. Del Prete, M. Campos, F. Della Rocca, C. Gallo, A. Fontana, G. Nuzzo, C. Angelini. ADViSELipidomics: a workflow for analyzing lipidomics data Bioinformatics, btac706 (2022)
- 15. C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis, A. Plaksienko. Jewel2: An Improved Joint Estimation Method for MultipleGaussian Graphical Models. , Mathematics 10(21), 3983, (2022)
- 16. Y. Cui, M. Benamar, K. Schmitz-Abe, V.Poondi-Krishnan, Q. Chen, B.E. Jugder, B. Fatou, J. Fong, Y. Zhong, S. Mehta, A. Buyanbat, B. S. Eklioglu, E. Karabiber, S. Baris, A. Kiykim, S. Keles, E. Stephen-Victor, C. Angelini, L.M. Charbonnier, T. A. Chatila A Stk4 -Foxp3-p65 transcriptional complex promotes Treg cell activation and homeostasis . Science Immunology, 23:7(75):eabl8357 (2022)
- 17. G. Lania, M. Franzese, A. Norikata, M. Bilio, G. Flore, A. Russo, E. D’Agostino, C. Angelini, R. Kelly, A. Baldini. A phenotypic rescue approach identifies lineage regionalization defects in a mouse model of DiGeorge syndrome. In Press Disease Models & Mechanisms (2022).
- 18. B. Acurzio, F. Cecere, C. Giaccari, A. Verma, R. Russo, M. Valletta, B. H. Mele, C. Angelini, A. Chambery, A. Riccio. The mismatch-repair proteins MSH2 and MSH6 interact with the imprinting control regions through the ZFP57-KAP1 complex , Epigenetics & Chromatin 15, 27, (2022).
- 19. C. Gallo, E. Manzo, G. Barra, L. Fioretto, M. Ziaco, G. Nuzzo, G. d’Ippolito, F. Ferrara, P. Contini, D. Castiglia, C. Angelini, R. De Palma, A. Fontana. Sulfavant A as the first synthetic TREM2 ligand discloses a homeostatic response of Dendritic Cells after receptor engagement , Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 79 (369), (2022)
- 20. R. Aiese Cigliano, R. Aversano, A. Di Matteo, S. Palombieri, P. Termolino, C. Angelini , H. Bostan, M. Cammareri, F. M. Consiglio, F. Della Ragione, R. Paparo, V. T. Valkov, A. Vitiello, D. Carputo, M.L. Chiusano, M. D'Esposito, S. Grandillo, M. R. Matarazzo, L. Frusciante, N. D'Agostino, C. Conicella. Multi-omics data integration provides insights into the post-harvest biology of a long shelf-life tomato landrace. Horticulture Research.(2022)
- 21. A. Iuliano, A. Occhipinti, C. Angelini , I. De Feis. P. Liò. COSMONET: An R Package for Survival Analysis Using Screening-Network Methods. Mathematics 9, 3262 (2021)
- 22. H. Nomaru, Y. Liu, C. De Bono, D. Righelli, A. Cirino, W. Wang, H. Song, S. Racedo, A. Dantas, L Zhang, C. Cai, C. Angelini , L. Christiaen, R. Kelly, A. Baldini, D. Zheng, and B. Morrow. Single cell multi-omic analysis identifies a Tbx1-dependent multilineage primed population in murine cardiopharyngeal mesoderm. Nature Communication 12:6645 (2021).
- 23. C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis, A. Plaksienko. Jewel: a novel method for joint estimation of Gaussian Graphical Models. Mathematics 9(17), 2105 (2021)
- 24. B. Acurzio, A. Verma, A. Polito, C. Giaccari, F. Cecere, S. Fioriniello, F. Della Ragione, A. Fico, F. Cerrato, C. Angelini, R. Feil and A. Riccio, Zfp57 inactivation illustrates the role of ICR methylation in imprinted gene expression during neural differentiation of mouse ESCs. Scientific Reports 11, Article number: 13802 (2021)
- 25. D. Righelli, C. Angelini. Easyreporting simplifies the implementation of Reproducible Research Layers in R software. Plos One 16 (5), e0244122,(2021)
- 26. E. Del Prete, A. Facchiano, A. Profumo, C. Angelini and P. Romano. GeenaR: a web tool for reproducible MALDI-TOF analysis. Frontiers in Genetics, 12, Article 635814 (2021).
- 27. S. Terreri, S. Mancinelli, M. Ferro, M. C. Vitale, S. Perdonà, L. Castaldo, V. Gigantino, V. Mercadante, R. De Cecio, G. Aquino, M.Montella, C. Angelini, E. Del Prete, M. Aprile, A. Ciaramella, G. L Liguori, V. Costa, G.A Calin, E. La Civita, D. Terracciano, F. Febbraio, A. Cimmino. Subcellular Localization of uc.8+ as a Prognostic Biomarker in Bladder Cancer Tissue. Cancer, 13(4), art 681 (2021)
- 28. R. Russo, V. Russo, F. Cecere, M. Valletta, M.T. Gentile, L.Colucci D’Amato, C. Angelini, A. Riccio, P.V. Pedone, A. Chambery, I.Baglivo . ZBTB2 protein is a new partner of the Nucleosome Remodeling and Deacetylase (NuRD) complex. , International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 168, 67-76, (2021)
- 29. M. Valletta, R. Russo, I. Baglivo, V. Russo, S. Ragucci, A. Sandomenico, E. Iaccarino, M. Ruvo, I. De Feis, C. Angelini, S. Iachettini, A. Biroccio, P. V. Pedone, A. Chambery. Exploring the Interaction between the SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex and the Zinc Finger Factor CTCF. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21 (23), art id 8950, (2020)
- 30. A. Cirino, I. Aurigemma, M. Franzese, G. Lania, D. Righelli, R. Ferrentino, E. Illingworth, C. Angelini, A. Baldini. Chromatin and Transcriptional Response to Loss of TBX1 in Early Differentiation of Mouse Cells. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology (2020)
- 31. N. Criscuolo and C. Angelini. StructuRly: A novel shiny app to produce comprehensive, detailed and interactive plots for population genetic analysis , PloS One, 15 (2), e0229330, (2020)
- 32. M. Krzak, Y. Raykov, A. Boukouvalas, L. Cutillo, C. Angelini. Benchmark and parameter sensitivity of scRNAseq clustering methods. , Frontiers in Genetics, 10, 1253, (2019)
- 33. L. Di Filippo, D Righelli, M Gagliardi, MR Matarazzo, C. Angelini. HiCeekR; a novel shiny app for Hi-C data analysis . Frontiers in Genetics 10, 1079, (2019)
- 34. A. Sparago. A. Verma, M.G. Patricelli, L. Pignata, S. Russo, L. Calzari, N. De Francesco, R. Del Prete, O. Palumbo, M.Carella, D.M.J. Mackay, F.I. Rezwan, C. Angelini, F. Cerrato, M.V. Cubellis, A. Riccio. The phenotypic variation of multi-locus imprinting disturbances associated with maternal-effect variants of NLRP5 range from overt imprinting disorder to apparently healthy phenotype. . Clinical Epigenetics, 11, 190, (2019)
- 35. R. Defez, A. Andreozzi, S. Romano, G. Pocsfalvi, I. Fiume, R. Esposito, C. Angelini, C. Bianco, Bacterial IAA-delivery into medicago root nodules trigers a balanced stimulation of C and N metabolism leading to a biomass increase. , Microorganisms, 7(10), 403, (2019)
- 36. N. Criscuolo. F. Guarino, C. Angelini, S. Castiglione, T. Caruso, A. Cicatelli. High Biodiversity arises from the analyses of morphometric, biochemical and genetic data in ancient olive trees of south of Italy , Plants, 8, 297, (2019)
- 37. M. Valente, A. Sparago, A. Freschi, K.Hill-Harfe, S.M. Maas, S. Frints, M. Alders, L. Pignata, M. Franzese, C. Angelini, D. Carli, A. Mussa, A.Gazzin, F. Gabbarini, B. Acurzio, G.B. Ferrero, J. Bliek, C. A. Williams, A. Riccio, F. Cerrato. Transcription alterations of KCNQ1 associated with imprinted methylation defects in the Beckwith-Wiedemann locus . Genetics in Medicine, (2019)
- 38. M. M.Marino, C. Rega, R. Russo, M. Valletta, M.T.Gentile, S. Esposito, I. Baglivo, I. De Feis, C. Angelini, T. Xiao, G. Felsenfeld, A. Chambery, P. V. Pedone. Interactome mapping defines BRG1, a component of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex, as a new partner of the transcriptional regulator CTCF. Journal of Biological Chemistry, (2018)
- 39. A. Iuliano, A. Occhipinti, I. De Feis, C. Angelini, P. Lio'. Combining pathway identification and breast cancer survival prediction via screening-network methods. Frontiers in Genetics (2018).
- 40. S. Gatto, M. Gagliardi, M. Franzese, S. Leppert, M. Papa, M. Cammisa, G. Grillo, G. Velasco, C. Francastel, S. Toubiana, M. D'Esposito, C Angelini, M. R Matarazzo. ICF-specific DNMT3B dysfunction interferes with intragenic regulation of mRNA transcription and alternative splicing . Nucleic Acid Research (2017)
- 41. V. Costa, D. Righelli, F. Russo, P. De Berardinis, C. Angelini, L. D'Apice. Distinct antigen delivery systems induce dendritic cells divergent transcriptional response: new insights from a comparative and reproducible computational analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18 (3), E494, (2017)
- 42. C. D’Aniello, E. Habibi, F. Cermola,D. Paris, F. Russo, A. Fiorenzano, G. Di Napoli, D. J. Melck, G.Cobellis, C. Angelini, A. Fico, R. Blelloch, A. Motta, H. G. Stunnenberg, D. De Cesare, E.J. Patriarca, and G. Minchiotti, Vitamin C and L-Proline Antagonistic Effects Capture Alternative States in the Pluripotency Continuum Stem Cell Reports, 8(1), pp. 1-10, (2017)
- 43. E Di Costanzo, V Ingangi, C Angelini, MF Carfora, MV Carriero, R Natalini, A Macroscopic Mathematical Model For Cell Migration Assays Using A Real-Time Cell Analysis PLoS ONE 11(9): e0162553 (2016).
- 44. A. Fiorenzano, E. Pascale, C. D'Aniello, D. Acampora, C. Bassalert, F. Russo, G. Andolfi, M. Biffoni, F. Francescangeli, A. Zeuner, C Angelini, C. Chazaud, E. J. Patriarca, A. Fico, G.Minchiotti. Cripto is essential to capture mouse epiblast stem cell and human embryonic stem cell pluripotency, Nature Communications 7, Article number: 12589 (2016)
- 45. A. Iuliano, A. Occhipinti, I. De Feis, C. Angelini, P. Lio'. Cancer markers selection using network-based Cox Regression: a methodological and computational practice., Frontiers in Physiology (2016).
- 46. G.F. Fulcoli, M. Franzese, X. Liu, Z. Zhang, C. Angelini,A. Baldini. Rebalancing gene haploinsufficiency in a mouse model of DiGeorge syndrome by targeting chromatin., Nature Communications, 7, Article number: 11688, (2016).
- 47. V. Riso, M. Cammisa, H. Kukreja, Z. Anvar, G. Verde, A. Sparago, B. Acurzio, S. Lad, E. Lonardo, A. Sankar, K. Helin, R. Feil, A. Fico, C. Angelini, G. Grimaldi, A. Riccio. ZFP57 maintains the parent-of-origin-specific expression of the imprinted genes and differentially affects non-imprinted targets in mouse embryonic stem cells, Nucleic Acids Research (2016).
- 48. M. Pinelli, A. Carissimo, L. Cutillo, CH Lai, M. Mutarelli, MN Moretti, MV Singh, M Karali, D. Carrella, M. Pizzo, F. Russo, S. Ferrari, D. Ponzin, C. Angelini , S. Banfi, D. di Bernardo. An atlas of gene expression and gene co-regulation in the human retina. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016
- 49. R. De Fez, R. Esposito, C. Angelini, C. Bianco Overproduction of indole-3-acetic acid in free-living rhizobia induces transcriptional changes resembling those occurring in nodule bacteroids. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (2016)
- 50. A. Tarallo, C. Angelini, R. Sanges, M. Yagi, C. Agnisola, G. D’ Onofrio. On the genome base composition of teleosts: the effect of environment and lifestyle. BMC Genomics (2016)
- 51. F. Russo, D. Righelli, C. Angelini. Advancements in RNASeqGUI towards a Reproducible Analysis of RNA-Seq Experiments. BioMed Research International (2016).
- 52. Z. Anvar, M. Cammisa, V. Riso, I. Baglivo, H. Kukreja, A. Sparago, M. Girardot, S. Lad, I. De Feis, F. Cerrato, C. Angelini, R. Feil, P.V. Pedone, G. Grimaldi and A. Riccio, ZFP57 recognizes multiple and closely spaced sequence motif variants to maintain repressive epigenetic marks in mouse embryonic stem cells, Nucleic Acids Research (2015)
- 53. M. Scarpato, C. Angelini, E. Cocca, Pallotta M, Morescalchi M.A., Capriglione, T., Short interspersed DNA elements and miRNAs: a novel hidden gene regulation layer in zebrafish , Chomosome Research, (2015)
- 54. C. Angelini, R. Heller, R. Volkinshtein and D. Yekutieli Is this the right normalization? A diagnostic tool for ChIP-seq normalization. BMC Bioinformatics (2015).
- 55. F. Russo and C. Angelini. RNASeqGUI: A GUI for analyzing RNA-seq data. Bioinformatics, 30 (17): 2514-2516, (2014).
- 56. C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis, I. De Feis. Computational approaches for Isoform detection and estimation: Good and bad news. BMC Bioinformatics, 15:135, (2014)
- 57. C. Angelini and V. Costa. Understanding gene regulatory mechanisms by integrating ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data: statistical solutions to biological problems , Front. Cell Dev. Biol.,(2014) ù
- 58. M. Scarpato, R. Esposito, D. Evangelista, M. Aprile, M.R. Ambrosio, C. Angelini, A. Ciccodicola, and V. Costa. AnaLysis of Expression on human chromosome 21, ALE-HSA21: a pilot integrated web resource. Database, The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation. article id. bau009 . (2014).
- 59. S. Comes, M. Gagliardi, Nicola Laprano, Annalisa Fico, Amelia Cimmino, Andrea Palamidessi, D. De Cesare, S. De Falco, C. Angelini, G. Scita, E. J. Patriarca, M.R. Matarazzo, and G. Minchiotti. L-Proline Induces a Mesenchymal-like Invasive Program in Embryonic Stem Cells by Remodeling H3K9 and H3K36 Methylation. Stem Cell Reports, vol 1 issue 4, 307-321, (2013).
- 60. P. Liò, C. Angelini, I. De Feis and V.A. Nguyen. Statistical Approaches to Use a Model Organism for Regulatory Sequences Annotation of Newly Sequenced Species, PLoS ONE (2012).
- 61. L. Bernà, A. Chaurasia, C. Angelini, C. Federico, S. Saccone and G. D'Onofrio. The footprint of metabolism in the organization of mammalian genomes. BMC Genomics, 13:174, (2012).
- 62. C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis, M. Pensky. Clustering Time-Course Microarray Data Using Functional Bayesian Infinite Mixture Model. Journal of Applied Statistics, 39, 129-149, (2012).
- 63. L. Murino, C. Angelini, I.De Feis, G.Raiconi, R.Tagliaferri. Beyond classical consensus clustering: the Least Squares approach to multiple solutions. Pattern Recognition Letters 32,1604–1612, (2011).
- 64. V. Costa, C. Angelini, L. D'Apice, M. Mutarelli, A. Casamassimi, M. Rienzo, L. Sommese, M.A. Gallo, M. Aprile, R. Esposito, L. Leone, A. Donizetti, S. Crispi, B. Sarubbi, R. Calabrò, M. Picardi, P. Salvatore, P. De Berardinis, C. Napoli, A. Ciccodicola. Massive-scale RNA-Seq analysis of non ribosomal transcriptome in human trisomy 21, PLoS ONE (2011).
- 65. M. Pava-Ripoll, C. Angelini, W. Fang, S. Wang, F. Posada and R. Leger, The rhizosphere competent entomopathogen Metarhizium anisopliae expresses a specific subset of genes in plant root exudate, Microbiology, vol. 157, pp. 47-55, (2011).
- 66. V. Costa, L. Sommese, A. Casamassimi, R. Colicchio, C. Angelini, V. Marchesano, L. Milone, B. Farzati, A. Giovane, C. Fiorito, M. Rienzo, M. Picardi, B. Avallone, M. M. Corsi, B. Sarubbi, R. Calabrò, P. Salvatore, A. Ciccodicola and C. Napoli. Impairment of circulating endothelial progenitors in Down syndrome. BMC Medical Genomics, 3:40, (2010).
- 67. V. Costa, C. Angelini, I. De Feis, A. Ciccodicola. Uncovering the complexity of transcriptomes with RNA-Seq. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology vol. 2010, Article ID 853916, (2010).
- 68. C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis, M. Pensky. Bayesian models for the two-sample time-course microarray experiments. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 53, pp. 1547-1565, (2009).
- 69. C. Angelini, L. Cutillo, D. De Canditiis, M. Mutarelli, M. Pensky. BATS: A Bayesian user friendly Software for analyzing time series microarray experiments. BMC Bioinformatics, vol 9, art 415, (2008).
- 70. M. Mutarelli, L. Cicatiello, M. Ravo, O.M.V. Grober, A. Facchiano, C. Angelini, A. Weisz. Time-course whole-genome microarray analysis of estrogen effects on hormone-responsive breast cancer cells. BMC Bioinformatics, vol 9, suppl 2, art 12,(2008).
- 71. C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis, M. Mutarelli, M. Pensky. A Bayesian Approach to Estimation and Testing in Time-course Microarray Experiments, Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology: vol 6 : Iss. 1, Article 24, (2007).
- 72. I. Cascino, F. Paladini, F. Belfiore, A., Cauli, C. Angelini, M.T. Fiorillo, A. Matieu, R. Sorrentino. Identification of previously unrecognized predisposing factors for ankylosing spondylitis from analysis of HLA-B27 extended haplotypes in Sardinia. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 56, pp. 2640-2651, (2007).
- 73. F. Abramovich, C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis. Pointwise optimality of Bayesian wavelet estimators. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math, 59, pp. 425-434,(2007).
- 74. F. Abramovich, C. Angelini. Testing in Mixed-effects FANOVA Model. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 36, pp. 4326-4348, (2006).
- 75.C. Angelini, D. Cava, G. Katul, B. Vidakovic, Resampling hierarchical processes in the wavelet domain: A case study using atmospheric turbulence, Physica D, 27, pp. 24-40, (2005).
- 76. F. Abramovich, U. Amato, C. Angelini, On optimality of Bayesian wavelet estimators. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 31, pp. 217--234, (2004).
- 77. C. Angelini, T. Sapatinas, Empirical Bayes Approach to wavelet Regression using ε-contaminated priors. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 74, 741-764, (2004).
- 78. C. Angelini, and B. Vidakovic. Γ-Minimax Wavelet Shrinkage: A Robust Incorporation of Information about Energy of a Signal in Denoising Applications, Statistica Sinica, 14 pp.103-125, (2004).
- 79. C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis and F. Leblanc. Wavelet regression estimation in nonparametric mixed effect models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 85, pp. 267-291, (2003).
- 80. G. Katul, C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis, B. Vidakovic, T.D. Albertson and U. Amato. Are the effect of large scale flow conditions really lost through the turbulent cascade?, Geophysical Research Letter, 30, pp. 1164-1168, (2003).
- 81. C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis. Pointwise convergence of the wavelet regularization estimator. Comm. Statist.: Theory and Method, 31, pp.1561-1578, (2002).
- 82. C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis. Fourier frequency adaptive regularization for smoothing data, J. Comp. App. Math. 115, pp.35-50, (2000).
- 83. U. Amato, C. Angelini, C. Serio. Compression of AVHRR Images by Wavelet Packets. Environmental Model. Software, 15, pp. 127-138, (2000).
- 84. U. Amato, C. Angelini, C. Serio. Wavelet compression of AVHRR imagery, FRACTALS, 5, pp. 11-22, (1997).
Book-chapters, Proceedings, and other international Journals (with referee)
- 1. A. Carissimo, L. De Martino, I. Garzilli, B. Pierri, M. Esposito, C. Angelini. Regression models as a tool for genome-wide association studies of Environmental Exposures and DNA Methylation IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Living Environment (MetroLivEnv) (2023)
- 2. C. Angelini, Hypothesis Testing, in Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Vol 1, pp. 691-697. Elsevier, (2019)
- 3. C. Angelini, Linear Regression Analysis, in Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Vol. 1, pp 722-730. Elsevier, (2019)
- 4. F. Russo, D. Righelli, C. Angelini, Advantages and Limits in the Adoption of Reproducible Research and R-Tools for the Analysis of Omic Data. Lecture notes in Bioinformatics, 9874, pp 245-258, (2016).
- 5. A. Iuliano, A. Occhipinti, C. Angelini, I. De Feis, P.Liò. Applications of network-based survival analysis methods for pathway detection in cancer. in Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, 8623, 76-88, (2015)
- 6. F. Gagliardi, C. Angelini. Discovering Typical Transcription-Factors Patterns in Gene Expression Levels of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells by Instance-Based Classifiers, ICIAP 2013 Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8158, pp. 381–388, (2013).
- 7. C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis, M. Pensky, N. Brownstein. Bayesian models for the analysis of multi sample time-course microarray experiments. Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics 7548, pp. 21-35, (2012).
- 8. C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis, M. Pensky, Bayesian methods for Time-course microarray analysis: from genes detection to clustering. In Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics, Springer, pp. 47-56, (2012).
- 9. V. Costa, C. Angelini, L. D'Apice, M. Mutarelli, A. Casamassimi, M. Rienzo, L. Sommese, M.A. Gallo, M. Aprile, R. Esposito, L. Leone, A. Donizetti, S. Crispi, B. Sarubbi, R. Calabrò, M. Picardi, P. Salvatore, P. De Berardinis, C. Napoli, A. Ciccodicola. RNA-seq: from computational challenges to biological insights, in Network tools and applications in Bioinformatics, proceeding of Nettab 2010, ARACNE, Network tools and Applications in Biology, pp. 77-83, (2010).
- 10. C. Angelini, I. De Feis, R. van der Wath, V.-A. Nguyen, P. Liò. Combining Replicates and Nearby Species Data: A Bayesian approach., in Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, 6160, pp. 191-205, (2010)
- 11. L. Murino, C. Angelini, I. Bifulco, I. De Feis, G. Raiconi, R. Tagliaferri, Multiple Clustering Solutions Analysis Through Lest-Square Consensus Algorithms, in Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, 6160, 215-227, (2010)
- 12. C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis, M. Pensky. Estimation and Testing in Time-course Microarray Experiments. In Bayesian Modeling in Bioinformatics, Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series. (2010).
- 13. C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis, M. Pensky. Bayesian models for time‐course microarray analysis: from genes' detection to clustering. In Statistical methods for the analysis of large data-sets. Book of short paper of the Italian Statistical Society, Invited paper by the Royal Statistical Society, pp. 19-23, (2009).
- 14. C. Angelini, L. Cutillo, I. De Feis, R. van der Wath, P. Liò. Combining experimental evidences from replicates and nearby species data for annotating novel genomes. In AIP Proceedings, Vol. 1028, (2008).
- 15. C. Angelini, L. Cutillo, I. De Feis, R. van der Wath, P. Liò. Identify regulatory sites using neighborhood species, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4447, pp 1-10. (2007).
- 16. F. Abramovich, C. Angelini. Bayesian MAP multiple testing procedures. Sankhya 68, pp. 436--460, (2006).
- 17. C. Angelini, B. Vidakovic. Some Novel Methods in Wavelet Data Analysis: Wavelet Anova, F-test Shrinkage, and Γ-Minimax Wavelet Shrinkage. In `Wavelets and Their Applications' Krisna, Radha and Thangavelu Eds, Allied Publishers, pp. 31-45, (2003).
- 18. U. Amato, C. Angelini, G. Masiello, C. Serio. Wavelet Based Fast Forward Model for the 14 CO_2 Absorption Band, Proceedings ASSFTS9 2000, 70-73, (2000).
- 19. U. Amato, C. Angelini, G. Masiello, C. Serio. Fast Wavelet Radiative Transfer Model for Inversion of IASI Radiance. Technical Proceedings IEEE 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2797-2799, (2000).
- 20. U. Amato, C. Angelini. TOWER - Telescopic Optimal Wavelet Estimator of the Risk. Int. J. Appl. Sci. and Comp., 7, pp. 125-141, (2000).
- C. Angelini. Wavelets for Nonparametric Regression and Image Compression. Tesi di Dottorato, Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II". (November 2001).
- C. Angelini. Applicazioni delle Wavelets. Tesi di Laurea; Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II". (December 1994).
Other Publications
- C. Angelini, D. Righelli, F Russo Reproducible Research in the era of Next Generation Sequencing: current approaches, examples and future perspectives, EMBnet.journal 21 (A) (2015).
- C. Angelini, F Russo Analyzing RNA-Seq data with RNASeqGUI, EMBnet.journal 20 (A), e783. (2014)
- C. Angelini, Metodi di analisi statistica di dati di Next generation sequencing. pp 55-59 in XI Corso di formazione avanzata in Medicina genomica e terapia personalizzata in ematologia/oncologia a cura di Carlo Bernasconi, Collegio Ghislieri, centro per la Comunicazione e la ricerca. Edizioni EDIMES volume 11, (2012).
- C. Angelini, Wavelet methods for the analysis of Mass Spectrometry data, Newsletter RNTBIO, December 2011, Special Issue B4P2011 Bioinformatics for Proteomics.
- C. Angelini and I. De Feis. DNA-puzzles: un gioco per matematici. Maddmaths: Matematica applicata e Didattica. Focus, Luglio 2010.
- C. Angelini, A. Ciccodicola, V. Costa and I. De Feis. Analyzing the Whole Transcriptome by RNA-Seq data: the Tip of the Iceberg, ERCIM NEWS July 2010, Special Theme Computational Biology, pp.16-17. 2010.
- C. Angelini, M. Vannucci. Bayesian methods for wavelet-based modeling. Annotated references for ISBA Bulletin, 12, June 2005.