What we suggest you for an useful scientific research

In our web portal ALE-HSA21 we have collected information about various aspects
of biological data of Chromosome 21, such as gene annotation, prediction and
structure, proteins, expression, regulation, variation and disease association.
In order to achieve a complete and comprehensive knowledge, ALE-HSA21 suggests
the following websites and online databases selected:
Genome Browser
This site contains the reference sequence and working draft assemblies for a large collection of genomes. -
PubMed comprises more than 22 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. -
OMIM - Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
OMIM contains information on all known mendelian disorders and over 12,000 genes, focusing on the relationship between phenotype and genotype. -
dbSNP is a database of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and multiple small-scale variations that include insertions/deletions, microsatellites, and non-polymorphic variants. -
UniProt is a comprehensive, high-quality and freely accessible resource of protein sequence and functional information. -
Gene Expression Atlas
The Gene Expression Atlas is a semantically enriched database of meta-analysis based summary statistics over a curated subset of ArrayExpress Archive, servicing queries for condition-specific gene expression patterns as well as broader exploratory searches for biologically interesting genes/samples. -
Gene Network
GeneNetwork is a web resource based on microarrays from Gene Expression Omnibus that includes predictions made against pathways and gene sets in different biological databases such as the Gene Ontology and Reactome. -
The Co-expression Meta-analysis of miRNA Targets (CoMeTa) procedure is based on the assumption that the targets of a given miRNA are likely to be co-expressed and therefore to belong to the same miRNA gene network. The CoMeTa tool aims at the inference of miRNA targets and miRNA-regulated gene networks by integrating expression data from hundreds of cellular and tissue conditions. -
miRWalk is a comprehensive database that provides information on miRNA from Human, Mouse and Rat on their predicted as well as validated binding sites on their target genes.