BATS - The Models

Bayesian Analysis for Time Series

Microarray Experiments

Though these sub-windows an user can  choose one of the three prior models implemented in BATS and can choose how to estimate the hyper-parameters.

We distinguish 3 Models

Model 1)



Model 2)



Model 3)


the marginal distribution of the noise Student T

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A user friendly software for Bayesian Analysis of Time Series Microarray Experiments.

Number of time-points

Number of replicates

Number of genes


Observed data

Gene    “true” functional profile


Noise. i.i.d.

We assume that genes are conditionally independent


And we place a prior on unknown parameters


                      Poisson truncated at         


Gene “non affected” by the treatment

Gene “affected” by the treatment


Gene’s specific variance (to be estimated from the data)

Prior probability of not being affected by the treatment (to be estimated from the data)

the marginal distribution of the noise is Gaussian

the marginal distribution of the noise Double-exponential


Noise model in BATS

Data model in BATS

Model + observed data


Prior Information


Posterior Distribution


For 1)-3) it is analitically known.

Moreover hyper-parameters can be estimated from the data


C. Angelini, D. De Canditiis, M. Mutarelli, M. Pensky. A Bayesian Approach to Estimation and Testing in Time-course Microarray Experiments, Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology: vol 6 : Iss. 1, Article 24, (2007).

For a detailed description of the statistical method implemented in BATS the users are referred  to the following paper

Global parameters




Can be either estimated from the data or chosen by the users

Gene specific parameters                        can be estimated from the data as in the empirical Bayes approach


Fumetto 4: The number of terms in the functional expansion (to be estimated from the data)
Fumetto 4: Coefficients in the functional expansion (mixture for modeling differentially expressed and not differentially expressed)
Fumetto 4: Model on observed data (the likelihood)
Fumetto 4: Modeling the variance as a random variable allows to deal with different types of noise
Fumetto 4: Estimation of parameters
Fumetto 4: Second, consider that  we use a  (Bayesian) functional approach, so we recommend  5-6 different time points to be available.
Fumetto 4: We assume the gene expression time profile being a smooth curve
Fumetto 4: The expansion is in an orthogonal system on [0,T]. Legendre and Fourier bases are currently available. Suggested value is n/2 where n is the number of different time points
Fumetto 4: We assume the noise to be i.i.d zero mean and finite variance 
Fumetto 4: Bayesian Decision in terms of BF

For models 1)-3) the posterior distribition can be  analitically evaluated and it is possible to test the statistical hypothesis








Statistical decision (both selection and ranking) can be taken by looking at the Bayes Factors of each gene

Fumetto 4: First observe that  this approach handles the so called “One sample” experimental design in the time course ….Be sure to be under this condition