Open Positions
- There are no positions available.
Closed Positions
- HORIZON 2020/Marie Sklodowska Curie Action INCIPIT Project n.1 PhD position on Development of statistical methods and computational tools for the integration of multi-omic data. The position is for 1 year renewable up to 36 months. Deadline for applications 15/09/2017.
- HORIZON 2020/Marie Sklodowska Curie Action INCIPIT Project n.1 PhD position on Statistical analysis of high dimensional omic data. The position is for 1 year renewable up to 36 months. Deadline for applications has been extended to 29/03/2016.
- POR Regione Campania n.38 CNR fellows (assegno di ricerca) for 1 year (Renewable) (out of these, 1 position (IAC POR-003-2015) will be at IAC-CNR in BIoinfoLab). Deadline for applications 30/10/2015.
- IAC-002-2015-NA n.1 CNR fellow (assegno di ricerca) for 1 year (Renewable). Deadline for applications 12/06/2015.
- IAC-001-2015-NA n.1 CNR fellow (assegno di ricerca) for 1 year (Renewable). Deadline for applications 12/06/2015.
- IAC-003-2014-NA n.1 PostDoc CNR fellow (assegno di ricerca) for 1 year (Renewable). Deadline for applications 28/11/2014.
- IAC-004-2014-NA n.1 CNR fellow (assegno di ricerca) for 1 year (Renewable). Deadline for applications 28/11/2014.
- Formazione PON1 n.11 positions (6 with fellowship) for 10 months for attending a training course on Biotechnology (out of these 2 positions will be trained on bioinformatics at BIoinfoLab) . Deadline for applications 04/06/2014.
- IAC-001-2014-NA n.1 PostDoc CNR fellow (assegno di ricerca) for 1 year (Renewable). Deadline for applications 08/05/2014.
- BIOforIU (1 out of 6+2 positions) profilo C. n.1 Young researcher position for 2 years (2013-2014).Deadline for applications 12/11/2012.
- IAC-003-2012-NA n.1 CNR fellow (assegno di ricerca) for 1 year (Renewable). Deadline for applications 28/09/2012.
- IAC-002-2012-NA n.1 CNR fellow (assegno di ricerca) for 1 year (Renewable). Deadline for applications 30/08/2012.
- IAC-001-2012-NA n.2 CNR fellows (assegno di ricerca) for 1 year (Renewable). Deadline for applications 22/04/2012.
Incoming Events
Past Events
- BBCC2017 Naples, 18-20 December 2017.
- CIBB2015 Naples, 10-12 September 2015.
- Hi-C data analysis Tutorial Day, Naples, 12 Maggio 2015.
- EPIGEN Chromatin Seminar - Naples, 11 Maggio 2015.
- InterOmics Tutorial Day 2014: Networks and Omic Data - Naples, 14 November 2014.
- CIBB2014, Computer Laboratory, Cambridge, UK, 26-28 June 2014.
- Workshop BBCC2013, ISA-CNR, Avellino,15 November 2013.
- InterOmics Tutorial day, area di ricerca CNR, Napoli, 14 November 2013.
- CIBB 2013 - Special session Data integration and analysis in Omic-Science Nice (FR), 18 -20 June 2013.
- Workshop BBCC2012, Area di Ricerca CNR, Napoli, 27 September 2012
- BIO4O: Bioinformatics for Omics Science, Area di ricerca CNR, Napoli, 25-26 September 2012.
- CIBB 2011, Gargnano del Garda, June 30 - July 2, 2011.
- NETTAB 2010 on Biological Wikis, Naples November 29 - December 1 2010.
- CIBB 2009 - Special Session Combining Bayesian and Machine Learning Approaches in Bioinformatics: State of Art, Applications and Future Perspectives. Genova, 15-17 October 2009.